a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

To own or to rent? A housing question

The choice between owner-occupied housing and tenancy is one of the major housing decisions that people need to make. Interestingly, if we look at the European ...

  663 Hits

Critical thinking on smartness, service providing and technology: YA sessions at UTC Palermo

Guest author: Dezsö Vajtho, Utrecht University, MSc Sustainable Development (LinkedIN). This post is a report from the two sessions organized by the AESOP Young...

  860 Hits

Open Access week, plaNext and a list of OA journals

ATTENTION: THIS POST WILL NOT BE ACTUALIZED ANY FURTHER, I HAVE MOVED THE LIST HERE (21.10.2016). Many already know that this is the Open Access week. All aroun...

  839 Hits

Cities after transition: where are they, and where is the research about them?

It has been already 25 years since the great political change took place in the former socialist states, which has brought also numerous changes in the fields o...

  762 Hits

Framing Urban Resilience within the UN Sustainable Development Goals: still gaps between theory and policy guidelines?

This weekend, 25 - 27 September 2015, more than 150 world leaders will attend the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, in New York, to formally adopt ...

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OMG...It is Climate Change! Going through the Encyclical letter "Laudato si'" of the Holy Father Francis on care for our common home

The encyclical letter “Laudato si’” of the Holy Father solicited my curiosity. Thus, I went through it and I summarized some of the most important points that I...

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Two PTP editorials for a warm August

Lazy August, you may have noticed that the blog slowed down in the last couple of weeks. Well, after a productive and rich year, warm summer - in Southern Europ...

  620 Hits

Housing shortage in Europe – a problem of the past?

If we asked people in Europe what was the issue they considered to be particularly problematic in their everyday life, in most cases the availability of housing...

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Conference costs and academic divides

In March 2014, in Gothenburg, during our VIII conference, the Coordination Team of the YAs had a pleasing and stimulating meeting with Rob Atkinson, founder of ...

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Why should academics blog about their research? An answer in pictures

Well, it's worth reminding some reasons why 'we' keep blogging! (And thanks to Stuart Elden for the link)

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A Global Virtual Roundtable on How to Measure, Why to measure, Cities Resilience

Since more than a decade, urban resilience has entered political agendas worldwide, academic debates, and within this blog specific interest, planning debates. ...

  860 Hits

The system of spatial planning in Poland: time for a change?

A completely new system of spatial planning has been created in Poland after the fall of socialism. In comparison to the previous one, it has no longer been bas...

  697 Hits

Baltimore and the end of the end of history

Guest author: Erick Omena de Melo Oxford Brookes University – Department of Planning. Webpage This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The Baltimore riots are the latest of sever...

  780 Hits

The geography of housing affordability

One of the important problems that we are facing these days is the high and rising cost of living. In particular, many households need to spend a substantial sh...

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How can cities be kept affordable? A new attempt with rent controls in Germany

Many European cities experienced strong rent price increases over the last decade, which increasingly threaten to displace poorer parts of the society from urba...

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The new face of Metropolitan Governance in Mumbai

Guest author: Pooja Shetty With cities growing in terms of their population size and jurisdiction, metropolitan governance is taking new forms which are shaped ...

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Measuring urban quality of life - some challenges in practice

We have come a great way in attempting to define what quality of life and wellbeing are, as ultimate goals urban policies. In this post, I argue that for many c...

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Highlights from the 2014

January has been a bit of a lazy month for the YA blog. After a great 2014, the team was in the need of some time before re-starting for an even better 2015. In...

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AESOP YA blog: 2014 in review

2014 was the first year of the blog of the AESOP Young Academics. Here some numbers, we are very proud of the fact that visitors came from 103 countries, that i...

  624 Hits

The Journal of Universal Rejection exists!

Disclaimer: this is not the most serious post ever published in this blog. Not at all. This is something I did not know about. And when I got to know, I thought...

  1204 Hits