a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

The AESOP YA Blog is getting a new design!

2 min read. As we passed the torch to our new YA blog team, one of the decisions we took was to change the aesthetics of the blog to make it more reachable for ...

  982 Hits

Introducing Anandit Sachdev new co-editor of the YA Blog

2 min read We continue with the introduction of our new YA Blog team, this time is the turn of Anandit Sachdev! Anandit is an academic tutor and researcher in t...

  1000 Hits

11 Tips for Successful Project Proposals

6 min read. Guest author: Mennatullah Hendawy (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, and First Degree Citizens) Because it could be a simple math...

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Introducing the YA blog team new editor-in-chief: Luis Lozano-Paredes

1 minute read As we pass the torch to the new YA blog team, it is time to introduce Luis H. Lozano-Paredes, our new editor-in-chief joining us from Sydney, Aust...

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Research at the intersection of planning and real estate studies

8 min read Guest author: Sara Özogul (University of Amsterdam) Interdisciplinary research is always a challenging undertaking. Planning researchers focusing on ...

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Elections approaching! An invitation from your YA representative

3 min read Guest author: Pinar Dörder (Darmstadt University, chair of the YA Coordination Team) Dear friends, Here is Pinar Dörder, I am an architect and urban ...

  1640 Hits

Planning in Central America in the 21st century: Possibilities and limitations for resilience implementation

10 min read Guest author: Carlos Ferrufino (Universidad Centroamericana - UCA) Editors' note: This post is a short paper that was submitted to the URNet confere...

  1000 Hits

Passing on the torch to the new YA blog team!

7 min read The time has come to pass on the leadership and management of one of the best spatial planning blogs out there. You will likely have read it in the l...

  872 Hits

"The times they are (still) a'changing": resources for climate transition

Reading time: 6 minutes In 1964, in times of emerging social change across the USA, Bob Dylan sung prophetically that "the times they are a'changing" whether we...

  1064 Hits

Social disruption and complexity: Transformative power of crises

Reading time: 10 minutes Guest authors: Pinar Dörder (chair of the YA Coordination Team; Darmstadt University of Technology) and Flavia Giallorenzo (University ...

  3 Hits

The YA blog in 2020

Reading time: 4 minutes  2020 broke a new record in terms of the number of visitors on the blog of the AESOP Young Academics network since its inception in 2014...

  981 Hits

Welcome 2021 - a fresh new start!

Reading time: 3 minutes Goodbye 2020, welcome 2021 Without doubt, 2020 was a challenging year for all of us. Equally, the challenges came with a silver lining. ...

  840 Hits

Adapting PhD research during the Covid-19 pandemic

5 minute read Guest author: Caitlin Hafferty (@CaitlinHafferty), PhD researcher at the Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershi...

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Call for blog posts - EU Climate Pact & Green Deal

2 minutes read Launching the EU Climate Pact On December 16th, the EU will officially launch its Climate Pact. Here is the official blurb on the EU Commission's...

  652 Hits

You could be... the next editor-in-chief of the blog of the AESOP YA network

On behalf of the YA coordination team and the small but growing team of YA blog editors, I would personally like to invite you to consider a small but key move ...

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Public and stakeholder engagement, covid-19 and the 'digital explosion' - are we heading towards a more 'blended' approach?

4 minute read Guest author: Caitlin Hafferty (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire, UK) Note: this post was initially pub...

  839 Hits

Governing the Unknown: Adaptive Spatial Planning in the age of uncertainty

5 minutes read This is a short contribution by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), from POLIS University, Tirana, unfolding the inspirations and underlying ev...

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Cognitive mapping to understand neighbourhoods - Kenya

3 min read Editor's note: This post is the concluding post in a series of entitled 'Mapping - a tool to build urban resilience' (see post 1 about community-led ...

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Desassossego [disquiet]: reflecting on being academics during the Covid-19 pandemic

8 min read Guest authors: Urban Transitions Hub (UTH) (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon) Editor's note: This post is an engaging contribution ...

  1019 Hits

Environmental resource mapping

3 min read Guest author: Olga Chepelianskaia (UNICITI) Editor's note: This post reviews the importance of mapping local environmental resources using diverse da...

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