a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Interview | Beauty in the built environment (Part II)

This is the second part of our interview with two scholars who research what makes cities beautiful. If you missed part one, you can read it here.  Some research on "beautiful cities" has emphasized the economic premium placed on built environments considered particularly aesthetically pleasing. Is there a way to avoid a situati...

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  621 Hits

Interview | Beauty in the built environment (part I)

A conversation with two scholars about what makes cities beautiful, and the role of planning in creating beautiful human environments (or not). Aesthetics once played an indispensable role in city-making processes, as anyone who has ever visited a medieval Italian town or a Middle Eastern walled city can attest. These days, while aestheti...

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  3386 Hits

(Abstract Deadline EXTENDED) PlaNext Special issue - Cities in the face of crises: Planning & designing future living environments

3 min read. We are pleased to inform that there is still time until the 31st of December to take part in the Special Issue of PlaNext: Cities in the face of cri...

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  1270 Hits

Perspectives from the Global South: AESOP Booklet on Prof. Vanessa Watson

8 min. read Increasingly, the issue of cities in the global south has gained more attention within urban studies and urban planning academia. In attention to th...

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  1534 Hits

You could be... the next editor-in-chief of the blog of the AESOP YA network

On behalf of the YA coordination team and the small but growing team of YA blog editors, I would personally like to invite you to consider a small but key move ...

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  1004 Hits

Sandra Annunziata, in memoriam

Guest authors: Marco Cremaschi (Sciences PO, Paris), Carlotta Fioretti (European Commission, Joint Research Centre), Clara Rivas (University of Leicester) On Fr...

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  1185 Hits

Public participation in the 3rd Millenium: making cities more sustainable?

The UN Summit Habitat III is just months away. At a critical time for climate change and sustainable development, public participation has a vital role to play ...

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  776 Hits

Revealing a new era of planning, the Lisbon case

The municipality of Lisbon through a public participation procedure for cycling investments, shows the need for a more economic and human-centric city. In recen...

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  713 Hits

VOTING STARTED: AESOP YA Coordination Team 2022-24

1 min. read The voting platform for the following AESOP Young Academics Network Coordination Team members is now open. We are looking for three new members who will join the AESOP Young Academics Coordination Team (CT) from June 2022 for two years. This is an excellent opportunity for everyone who wants to support the many activities of AESOP,...

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  1325 Hits

Read time: 4-5 minutes2018 was the year which generated the most traffic on the blog: 13,000 views and 9,300 visitors for 29 published posts. The posts covered ...

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  2048 Hits

Planning in Google Trends

Google Trends is one of those features that make modern life both awkward and amazing. For those who don't know it, Trends allows mapping volumes of queries on ...

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  837 Hits