a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Shrinking Villages jeopardizing Himalayan future

6 min. read The recently released IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022 (AR6) echoes the growing concern of risks from climate change as a precursor...

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  1214 Hits

Concrete-stop: from metaphor to reality

Guest author: Clemens de Olde, University of Antwerp The new Spatial Policy Plan for Flanders hasn’t been approved by the Flemish Government yet, but it has alr...

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  810 Hits

What use of European development targets?

Guest author: Ksenija Banovac, University of Tours In the light of new multi-polar global economy, and the emergence of new country-leaders (China) Europe is no...

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How culture played a role in an environmental campaign

Guest author: Kedar Uttam This post presents an initiative that was undertaken by a civil society movement in Mangalore (South India) to fill the gap of cultura...

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  858 Hits

Urban Heat Island for Beginners: Part 5 *

Impacts There are many socio-economic impacts related to the increase of urban temperature exacerbated by the increase in the global warming. The implications o...

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  964 Hits

Urban Heat Island for Beginners: Part 4 *

Physics of the UHI Phenomenon The energy balance ambient air-Earth surface is governed by energy gains, losses and storage and can be explained by the following...

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Urban Heat Island for Beginners: Part 3 *

The Vertical Profile of UHI Any change in the surface energy budget and in the surface temperatures produces effects on urban heat island (UHI) that can be noti...

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  841 Hits

Urban Heat Island for Beginners: Part 2 *

The Two Dimension of the UHI UHI is mainly dependent on the modification of the urban energy fluxes and, as a consequence, on the synoptic conditions in urban a...

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Urban Heat Island for Beginners: Part 1 *

The urban population is increasing worldwide and the urban expansion or the increase in urban density can affect both the global and the local climate having co...

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The AESOP YA Blog is getting a new design!

2 min read. As we passed the torch to our new YA blog team, one of the decisions we took was to change the aesthetics of the blog to make it more reachable for ...

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Planning in Central America in the 21st century: Possibilities and limitations for resilience implementation

10 min read Guest author: Carlos Ferrufino (Universidad Centroamericana - UCA) Editors' note: This post is a short paper that was submitted to the URNet confere...

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  805 Hits

"The times they are (still) a'changing": resources for climate transition

Reading time: 6 minutes In 1964, in times of emerging social change across the USA, Bob Dylan sung prophetically that "the times they are a'changing" whether we...

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Environmental resource mapping

3 min read Guest author: Olga Chepelianskaia (UNICITI) Editor's note: This post reviews the importance of mapping local environmental resources using diverse da...

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  851 Hits

The medina as a historic urban landscape

4 min read Guest author: Sarah Ben Salem (Szent István University) The ‘Historic Urban Landscape’ concept in an approach that was declared by the UNESCO in 2011...

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Planning around COP25: call for blog posts

The recent UN climate conference COP25 took place in Madrid last December. The conference fell short of consensus in many areas, although many technical issues ...

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Top 10 blog posts on the YA blog

Read time: 2 minutes This post celebrates the top ten blog posts published on the blog of the AESOP Young Academics network since its launch in 2014. It does so...

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Upcoming international conferences

You probably know which conference you will be attending next (like the next AESOP Young Academics Conference "Planning Inclusive Spaces" or the AESOP Congress ...

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Looking for Aesop in AESOP: call for reflections

AESOP is broad and diverse community of scholars and practitioners at diverse stages in their career(s). The AESOP 2018 conference was a strong, engaged and eng...

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Participatory budgeting made in France

Participatory budgeting is increasingly popular among local councils, and is now also adopted by regional and even national governments across the globe. The in...

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Open Defecation: A Coda of Geospatial differentiation by British India?

Swacch Bharat? A pan India mission launched with political support at the centre is a novel effort. But to eradicate open defecation from a society whose founda...

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  688 Hits