a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

BOOK REVIEW | The speculative practices shaping Indian cities

A Review of Llerena Guiu Searle's Landscapes of Accumulation: Real Estate and the Neoliberal Imagination in Contemporary India By Meher Bhagia In the early 2000s, a new narrative about economic growth in India began circulating among real estate investors. This narrative muddled stories of rising land prices with accounts of growth in GDP, incomes,...

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  762 Hits

Shrinking Villages jeopardizing Himalayan future

6 min. read The recently released IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022 (AR6) echoes the growing concern of risks from climate change as a precursor...

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  1452 Hits

Centering a critical urban geography of disaster-prone areas

8 min. read Natural disasters are often identified in the parlance as 'acts of God', and their human victims, as the costs of encountering a juggernaut. Another...

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  1205 Hits

Housing in India and government attitude towards it

Housing is an important aspect of city development. Population growth in a city is mainly attributed to two main reasons: migration from different areas in sear...

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  954 Hits

Private sector water tanker, water vendor, and packaged water in Indian cities: Innovation in governance?

Figure 1. Transforming codes of understanding water supply from public sector water supply to water ATM 'Water' is understood both as natural resource and publi...

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  1107 Hits

A reflection on smart city and urban future

Source: dailymail.ac.uk Since its inception, the smart city concept has gone through many criticism and transformation to be finally adopted in Indian context. ...

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  1060 Hits

Critical thinking on smartness, service providing and technology: YA sessions at UTC Palermo

Guest author: Dezsö Vajtho, Utrecht University, MSc Sustainable Development (LinkedIN). This post is a report from the two sessions organized by the AESOP Young...

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  897 Hits

The new face of Metropolitan Governance in Mumbai

Guest author: Pooja Shetty With cities growing in terms of their population size and jurisdiction, metropolitan governance is taking new forms which are shaped ...

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  1758 Hits