a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

“Bring back the Royal Arch!” Dealing with the past in Scotland’s independence city.

Guest author: Andrew Hoolachan, Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge. The city of Dundee is Scotland’s most pro-independence city. The Scottish N...

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Operationalizing the 'Just City' – Annual conference of the AESOP Thematic Group of Ethics, Values and Planning.

1 min. Read. Hello AESOP Young Academics. Happy new year! We start this year 2022 by reporting on the annual conference of the AESOP Thematic Group on Ethics, V...

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In memory of Prof. Vanessa Watson

From the AESOP YA we want to share this article by African Centre for Cities (ACC) Director Edgar Pieterse, and his reflection on Prof. Watson contribution to p...

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Centering a critical urban geography of disaster-prone areas

8 min. read Natural disasters are often identified in the parlance as 'acts of God', and their human victims, as the costs of encountering a juggernaut. Another...

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  1241 Hits

Proposed scenarios for assessing Social Resilience of Urban Open Spaces in the “arrival” cities of Greece

22 min. read Authors: Eleni Oureilidou1,*, Konstantinos Ioanidis2 1PhD candidate, School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki2PhD, Associate Pr...

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  1064 Hits

East Kolkata Wetland: Seeing through the lens of "Urban metabolism"

‘Urban metabolism’, ‘resiliency’ and ‘sustainability’ are competing concepts. ‘Sustainability’ is the oldest and more like an umbrella term for the rest. ‘Urban...

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Through the Looking Glass: why public engagement in cities should be about (more than) reflexion/reflection

Place-making affects all of us. Yet how many of us, apart from place-making professionals and decision-makers, can really shape the places we live in? This post...

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Living and moving around in a post-earthquake city

Seven years ago, during the night of 6 April 2009 the city of L’Aquila suffered one of the most tragic events in the modern history of Italy. At 3:32 A.M. a sei...

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  847 Hits

New São Paulo zoning: the future of a mega city at stake

Once in São Paulo, take as many photos as you want because the city you know is about to radically change in a few years. The bustling Latin America financial c...

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The blog of the YA, online

It was July, 2013, at the AESOP congress in Dublin when, during the Young Academics General Assembly, the idea of creating a collaborative blog was expressed, a...

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Planetizen's 2014 top 10 websites in planning

'Planetizen is a public-interest information exchange for the urban planning, design, and development community. It is a one-stop source for urban planning news...

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  775 Hits

Big Data in Planning and Research

Big Data has had a fast career as new topic (and occasionally buzzword) in the social sciences during the last years. It describes new opportunities for researc...

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  1056 Hits

Cities in Conflict, 14 months

Tom Cowan, editor of Cities in Conflict, has recently published an editor's pick timeline of the first 14 months of the project. Cities in Conflict, hosted by o...

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Summer movies: Planning is...

It's August and it's getting time for summer break. The blog will slow down a bit, for a couple weeks.For those who are not going to turn off their PCs for some...

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A journalistic phronetic research: Anna Minton's Ground Control

I often hear academic colleagues that criticize others’ works by labelling them as “good journalistic inquiries”. The underlying idea, here, is that journalisti...

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