a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Call to Action: Project showcase

In addition to our blog re-focus towards articles showcasing what is going to happen to planning and urban studies pedagogy to invite you to share your urban planning and design-based specific projects, showcasing them for the broad audience of AESOP YA. Specifically, we are looking to showcase individual projects that are exciting case studies of ...

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  1445 Hits

"Relational" ecology : rethinking relationships between man and the natural environment

Guest authors: Damien Deville (Paul Valéry University) and Pierre Spielewoy (Rouen University & French Natural History Museum) This post is a free translati...

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  2616 Hits

Going Back to the Origins: A Non-comprehensive Excursus from the Environmental Philosophies to Sustainability*

The environmental philosophies – born as thoughts about the relation between mankind and nature – have found an unconscious and involuntary application in the c...

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  1770 Hits

Conference locations and sustainability aspirations: towards an integrative framework?

Editor's note: The blog of the AESOP Young Academics network is a great place to share and showcase your research about a wide range of topics related to spatia...

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  984 Hits

East Kolkata Wetland: Seeing through the lens of "Urban metabolism"

‘Urban metabolism’, ‘resiliency’ and ‘sustainability’ are competing concepts. ‘Sustainability’ is the oldest and more like an umbrella term for the rest. ‘Urban...

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  1073 Hits

A Global Virtual Roundtable on How to Measure, Why to measure, Cities Resilience

Since more than a decade, urban resilience has entered political agendas worldwide, academic debates, and within this blog specific interest, planning debates. ...

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  926 Hits

The Mayors Adapt (Convenant of Mayors 2.0): toward a smart city.

It was held in Naples, the inauguration of Mayors Adapt initiative, commissioned by the Directorate General of the European Commission's Climate Action and foun...

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  890 Hits

Land Value Taxation: A tool for planners against urban sprawl?

Most countries use a real estate tax dependent on the value or size of buildings. These property taxes can be contrasted to a Land Value Tax (‘LVT’) system, in ...

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  1511 Hits

The city no longer exists... long live the city!

Dear urbanists, urban planners, traffic planners, architects and others,Our work is done.Recently Google Maps does not show the same things to everyone. The unc...

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  827 Hits

Climate for Culture. Final arrival in Munich

It has been presented, in Munich, Germany, and with a public event lasted two days, the final stage of the European project “Climate for Culture," lasted five y...

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  732 Hits

Lessons learned from the World Urban Forum 7. Why the new Urban Agenda matters

By Irina Paraschivoiu (LSE)In June 2016, the United Nations will convene the Habitat III Conference which will set the agenda for international cooperation on u...

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  1005 Hits