
The AESOP Young Academics Network is a loosely structured branch of the Association of European Schools of Planning, which encourages the active participation and exchange of academic work. From PhD students to Post-docs and those starting out in academic positions, the YA Network provides a platform through which the academic leaders of tomorrow can share ideas in an open and inclusive environment, challenging and supporting one another in the attainment of superior academic output. This post provides highlights of the main activities and events of the Young Academics network during 2019.

This collaborative blog is managed by the YA Coordination Team. More than just a great blog, it also functions as a repository of resources, including a unique list of fully Open Access Journals, and lists of planning-related conferences, mainstream planning-related journals and other planning-related blogs.

The AESOP YA blog was launched in 2014 and has been growing ever since. An overview of all activity on the blog is available for the period 2014-2019. The following highlights provide yearly summaries of content on the blog for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019


Proposals for contributions are welcome from members of the network and people interested in planning and research in the broader sense: early- stage researchers, students, activists, and practitioners. This is a “quasi-academic” tool, a place for exchange of “ideas”: information about events of relevance both for members and non-members; dissemination of “best practices”; debate on planning/urban/environmental issues of interest for the general public.

For contributions and enquiries related to the YA blog, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

For contributions, see the guidelines here.

Articles give the views of the author, and not the position of the AESOP Young Academics network.

All articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.