The YA Coordination Team (CT) is an elected body of 6-7 members, including the out-going Chair who acts as the senior advisor to the YA CT for an additional year so as to ensure continuity within the team. CT members contribute to the organisational and management functions of the YA for a total period of 2 years.

YA Chair, ExCo Representative
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Senior Advisor
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
Team Member
KU Leuven, Ghent, Belgium
Team Member
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Team Member
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Team Member
Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Team Member
University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom
Team Member
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, United Kingdom

YA Coordination Team

1 Roelof Verhage 2003 2004
2 Nikos Karadimitriou 2004 2005
3 Richard J. Nunes 2005 2006
4 Giancarlo Cotella 2006 2007
5 Beatrix Haselberger 2007 2008
6 Vojtěch Novotný 2008 2009
7 Ceren Sezer 2009 2010
8 Antonio Raciti 2010 2012
9 Verena Peer 2012 2013
10 Lauren Ugur 2013 2015
11 Nadia Caruso 2015 2016
12 Karel Van den Berghe 2016 2017
13 Anais De Keijser 2017 2018
14 Daan Bossuyt 2018 2019
15 Agnes Matoga 2019 2020
16 Pinar Dörder 2020 2021
17 Ledio Allkja 2021 2022
18 Milan Husar 2022 2023
19 Sila Ceren Varis 2023 2024