providing a platform through which the academic leaders of tomorrow can share ideas in an open and inclusive environment, challenging and supporting one another in the attainment of superior academic output
providing a platform through which the academic leaders of tomorrow can share ideas in an open and inclusive environment, challenging and supporting one another in the attainment of superior academic output
providing a platform through which the academic leaders of tomorrow can share ideas in an open and inclusive environment, challenging and supporting one another in the attainment of superior academic output


The AESOP Young Academics Network is a loosely structured branch of AESOP, which encourages the active participation and exchange of academic work from PhD students to Post-docs and those starting out in academic positions. The YA Network provides a platform through which the academic leaders of tomorrow can share ideas in an open and inclusive environment, challenging and supporting one another in the attainment of superior academic output. The young academics network has two core aims:

- Make AESOP a challenging environment for young academics;
- Open up the structure of AESOP to better encourage young academic involvement.


The YA Coordination Team (CT) is an elected body of 6 members, including the out-going Chair who acts as the senior advisor to the YA CT for an additional year so as to ensure continuity within the team.
CT members contribute to the organisational and management functions of the YA for a total period of 2 years.
Each year elections are held and new members are voted onto the CT through a democratic election process. One CT member, elected from within the CT, adopts the role as the YA Executive Officer (Chair) and thus represents the interests and development of the YA Network on the executive board of its parent body, AESOP.

Regional Ambassadors

AESOP YA Regional Ambassadors are long-term members selected for 2-years. The goal is reaching a more geographically equal representation and presence in all countries and regions.


The YA network publishes two engaging serials.

plaNext–Next Generation Planning is an international peer-reviewed open access e-journal.
Booklet series that documents conversations between two generations of scholars.


Drawing on the expertise of the Association of European Schools of Planning

Following great success of Expert Clinic projects in the previous two years, we are very pleased to turn it into an annual event!
AESOP Thematic Groups are working groups on specific themes established in order to create more effective platforms for debate and discussion amongst AESOP members.


Essential resources for Young Academics in planning

This page lists a wide range of resources for early career researchers and more senior academics.
A list of high-quality, Open Access journals in planning and related disciplines, compiled by Simone Tulumello
The following list allows you to target mainstream journals. As such, it is the perfect companion to the crowdsourced list of fully Open Access journals.
The following conferences are typically hosted by eponymous networks/communities of practice within spatial planning, geography, architecture, engineering or related fields.
A selective list of blogs related to spatial planning. They cover different topics related to spatial planning, and are written in different languages.