Planning-related journals


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The following list allows you to target mainstream journals. As such, it is the perfect companion to the crowdsourced list of fully Open Access journals.

One of the most promising journals is plaNext – Next Generation Planning, the high quality peer-reviewed journal of the AESOP Young Academics’ network.

This page is structured as follows:

  • Planning-related academic journals
  • Planning-related professional media
  • Beyond spatial planning:
    • Architecture journals & magazines
    • Geography journals
    • Public Engagement, Teaching & HE

The page concludes with lists of the most highly ranked journals in the field, based on different metrics.

‘RARE BOOK’. Mural for Ken Sanders Rare Books in Salt Lake City. Picture credit: Chris Christian on Flickr, CC Attribution-NonCommercial.



The following list builds on the list featured on Wikipedia, covering journals related to  urbanregionalland-usetransportation and environmental planning and to urban studiesregional science.

By alphabetical order:



Send details of your favourite professional planning-related publication media to [email protected]  or answer the 2-minute online survey:

In the meantime, see the list of planning-related blogs for related professional publication media.



Architecture journals

Scimagojr (one of the many journal impact metric providers) provides its own list of architecture-related journals.

The University of Illinois library also compiles a decent list of academic journals in architecture.

Architecture magazines

Wikipedia provides lists the following architecture magazines, ranging from 2A Architecture to Volume, including the Architectural Digest, Baumeister and the RIBA journal.

Geography, GIS, Mapping and Spatial Analysis

Matt Rosenberg provides an excellent list of geography-related academic journals on Many of these are directly relevant to spatial planning.

Scimagojr provides the following list of top ranking journals in geography, planning and development based on its own SJR index.

Public Engagement, Teaching and HE

The following journals are worth considering regardless of the type of work & research you do.

The Times Higher Education provides a list of academic journals in Higher Educationsuggested by Pfr Malcom Tight at Lancaster University.

Impact. Impact is a brand new journal on the academic block and invites contributions about public engagement and impactful research from all academic disciplines.



Do you need to consider academic journal rankings?

Do you need to climb up the ladder of journal rankings? Mind the metrics! Picture credit: Falling off the property ladder by William Murphy on Flickr. CC Attribution-ShareAlike

Journal ranking is a hot topic, as there are lots of metrics out there. The University of Michigan library gives the lowdown on different research impact metrics, including: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, H-index, and alternative methods.

Scimagojr lists the top-ranking journals in Geography, Planning & Development based on its SJR index. See also relevant journals in Urban Studies, and a miscellaneous list of top-ranking in the Social Sciences.

In the Scopus Sources database, you can sort & view rankings for journals by subject. Search the subjects ‘Geography, Planning and Development’ and ‘Urban Studies’ for comprehensive lists of relevant journals by ranking. These are ranked by CiteScore, Highest percentile, number of Citations, and percentage cited.  

You can also find the Impact Factor of any individual journal on


**This page is being crowdsourced!**

Send details of your favourite academic journals, publication media to [email protected] by mentioning the journal name and its URL link, or by answering the following 2-minute survey: