Expert Clinic Virtual 2020
Following great success of Expert Clinic projects in the previous two years, we are very pleased to turn it into an annual event!
This year, despite the cancellation of the AESOP Congress, 15 senior scholars have kindly agreed to support Expert Clinic through virtual meeting.
They are: (ordered alphabetically by last names)
Prof. Louis Albrechts (KU Leuven)
Prof. Alessandro Balducci (Politecnico di Milano)
Prof. Angelique Chettiparamb (University of Reading)
Prof. Simin Davoudi (Newcastle University)
Prof. Ben Davy (TU Dortmund)
Prof. Peter Gotsch (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Günay (Istanbul TU)
Assoc. Prof. Thomas Hartmann (Wageningen University & Research)
Prof. Patsy Healey (Newcastle University)
Prof. Ali Madanipour (Newcastle University)
Prof. Stefano Moroni (Politecnico di Milano)
Assoc. Prof. Federico Savini (University of Amsterdam)
Prof. Gavin Parker (University of Reading)
Prof. Yvonne Rydin (UCL)
Prof. Johan Woltjer (University of Westminster)
Each of them is available for meeting one or two applicants with each meeting up to about 30 minutes.
They are expecting the meetings roughly in the summer (June - August), but they will also be happy to take your opinion about the specific time and virtual platform.
If you want a friendly chat with any of them, please send your request to [email protected].
The applications will be dealt with on the basis of fisrt-come-first-served.
So, don't hesitate! Give us a shout and get an exciting meeting in your diary!