a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Call for blog posts - EU Climate Pact & Green Deal

2 minutes read Launching the EU Climate Pact On December 16th, the EU will officially launch its Climate Pact. Here is the official blurb on the EU Commission's...

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  656 Hits

How can cities be kept affordable? A new attempt with rent controls in Germany

Many European cities experienced strong rent price increases over the last decade, which increasingly threaten to displace poorer parts of the society from urba...

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  742 Hits

Measuring urban quality of life - some challenges in practice

We have come a great way in attempting to define what quality of life and wellbeing are, as ultimate goals urban policies. In this post, I argue that for many c...

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  992 Hits

The Mayors Adapt (Convenant of Mayors 2.0): toward a smart city.

It was held in Naples, the inauguration of Mayors Adapt initiative, commissioned by the Directorate General of the European Commission's Climate Action and foun...

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  810 Hits

Cities, Policies, Technology and the Mayors Challenge

"The strong mayor form … is in some ways a miniature presidency", Clarence N. StoneSome recent articles in the press made me think of the need to more “healthy”...

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  731 Hits

EP2014: what comes next for European politics?

Today, one should spend a few words about European elections, for the composition of European Parliament – and the presidency of the Commission as well, think o...

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  567 Hits

Jon Schwabish on polarisation and good graphs

A few days ago I have found, on the Metrotrends blog*, this article by Jon Schwabish, which I deemed interesting and worth sharing for two reasons. Firstly, it ...

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