a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Sandra Annunziata, in memoriam

Guest authors: Marco Cremaschi (Sciences PO, Paris), Carlotta Fioretti (European Commission, Joint Research Centre), Clara Rivas (University of Leicester) On Fr...

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  1185 Hits

How can cities be kept affordable? A new attempt with rent controls in Germany

Many European cities experienced strong rent price increases over the last decade, which increasingly threaten to displace poorer parts of the society from urba...

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  785 Hits

AirBnb, Vice: and gentrification in the US

I've been literally astonished by the recent shift in the quality of Vice News. Yes, news.Vice.com and the national editions I read in Italy and Portugal. Go di...

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  816 Hits

Can local policies handle the problem of gentrification?

While local policies to mitigate the displacement caused by gentrification are critical-- perhaps now more than at any time in the last half century--local gove...

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  782 Hits

Summer movies: Bye Bye Barcelona

Bye Bye Barcelona (here the website) is the second summer movie of the YAblog. It is a well-documented and powerful documentary about how tourism and gentrifica...

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  759 Hits