a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Housing shortage in Europe – a problem of the past?

If we asked people in Europe what was the issue they considered to be particularly problematic in their everyday life, in most cases the availability of housing...

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  682 Hits

The geography of housing affordability

One of the important problems that we are facing these days is the high and rising cost of living. In particular, many households need to spend a substantial sh...

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  1013 Hits

How can cities be kept affordable? A new attempt with rent controls in Germany

Many European cities experienced strong rent price increases over the last decade, which increasingly threaten to displace poorer parts of the society from urba...

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  784 Hits

Read time: 4-5 minutes2018 was the year which generated the most traffic on the blog: 13,000 views and 9,300 visitors for 29 published posts. The posts covered ...

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  2048 Hits

The roof over our policies. Why housing finance mechanisms are not enough

Slightly more than a month ago, on 15 September 2014, over 100 people were evacuated from 50 Vulturilor Street, not too far away from central Bucharest. Taken o...

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  742 Hits