a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

The AESOP YA Blog is getting a new design!

2 min read. As we passed the torch to our new YA blog team, one of the decisions we took was to change the aesthetics of the blog to make it more reachable for ...

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  1106 Hits

Public and stakeholder engagement, covid-19 and the 'digital explosion' - are we heading towards a more 'blended' approach?

4 minute read Guest author: Caitlin Hafferty (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire, UK) Note: this post was initially pub...

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  913 Hits

The medina as a historic urban landscape

4 min read Guest author: Sarah Ben Salem (Szent István University) The ‘Historic Urban Landscape’ concept in an approach that was declared by the UNESCO in 2011...

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  1304 Hits

Civil society initiative for user-generated urban development processes: equal partners in post-industrial cities?

Introduction  Cities in diverse contexts experience increasing civil society engagement through neighbourhood-scale, informal and citizen-based interventions. Local expertise provides civil society initiatives with a notable advantage over professional planners and offers the possibility to become place-makers – and ultimately urban planners –...

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  3634 Hits