a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Mathare - Future’s Urban Green Oasis

This blog post tells the story of community-led tree-planting activities and youths' efforts in Mlango Kubwa, Mathare, to transform their neighborhood into one that is more conducive to and life-supporting for future generations. Mathare residential area is in Mathare Valley, Nairobi. Mathare is Kenya's second largest informal settlement, home...

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  1649 Hits

Bus Stations as a transition zone to deal with safety

Authors: Manisha Sharma and Chandrima Mukhopadhyay Users of bus services in Delhi, India, have identified safety as a vital factor to deliver quality services a...

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  1226 Hits

How culture played a role in an environmental campaign

Guest author: Kedar Uttam This post presents an initiative that was undertaken by a civil society movement in Mangalore (South India) to fill the gap of cultura...

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  1085 Hits

Urban Heat Island for Beginners: Part 4 *

Physics of the UHI Phenomenon The energy balance ambient air-Earth surface is governed by energy gains, losses and storage and can be explained by the following...

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  1048 Hits

Participatory budgeting made in France

Participatory budgeting is increasingly popular among local councils, and is now also adopted by regional and even national governments across the globe. The in...

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  1020 Hits


In this blog I explore the value of minimalism for many aspects of our urban lives. I draw parallels between such varied phenomena as urban acupuncture, resourc...

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  1267 Hits

The smart, resilient city: cliché or oxymoron?

The smart city concept builds on technological and governance innovations to better enable cities to face up to urbanisation challenges, including the ability t...

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  979 Hits

Highlights from 2017

2017 was a year of continued growth for the blog, buildingimages/easyblog_images on 2016. It saw 8,400 views and 5,700 visitors, for 19 published posts. The map...

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  1955 Hits

The Environmental Justice atlas

I've recently found (thanks to the Italian, brand new, excellent web-newspaper Pagina99) the Environmental Justice atlas by the Environmental Justice Organisati...

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  842 Hits