a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Alba Iulia an historic city for energy efficiency

  The European project 3ENCULT aims to bring to the foreground the historical heritage of Italian and European cities, as the recipient of potential energy...

  630 Hits

Planning in Google Trends

Google Trends is one of those features that make modern life both awkward and amazing. For those who don't know it, Trends allows mapping volumes of queries on ...

  799 Hits

The Open Access button

Open access refers to the practice of granting free Internet access to research articles. As all research and innovation builds on earlier achievements, an effi...

  828 Hits

Mapping the world

The Italian magazine Internazionale has an amazing section called Atlante (atlas). The monthly published posts collect maps on thematic arguments from magazines...

  723 Hits

Dissertations writing "versus" three papers

As a former journalist, assistant professor, and seasoned dissertation-writing-workshop coach at New York University, I can promise you there is only one fail-s...

  1028 Hits

Harvard Urban Theory Lab

The exploration of the “frontiers” of the planning discipline is one of the main concerns of the blog of the Young Academics of AESOP – and is a theme we'd like...

  759 Hits