a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Highlights from 2017

2017 was a year of continued growth for the blog, buildingimages/easyblog_images on 2016. It saw 8,400 views and 5,700 visitors, for 19 published posts. The map...

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Highlights from 2019

Read time: 3-4 minutes This post summarises the rich and diverse content shared on the YA blog during 2019. But first... Happy 2020 to all readers and followers...

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Planning around COP25: call for blog posts

The recent UN climate conference COP25 took place in Madrid last December. The conference fell short of consensus in many areas, although many technical issues ...

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Survey: Your blog. Your community.

The blog of the AESOP Young Academics' network is a great asset for all members and followers of the AESOP community to share their work. It is a place to share...

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Blogging for impact

Read time: 6-8 minutes Blogging is not only a fun way to share your work as researcher or practitioner, it also supports greater impact. This post reviews the b...

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Sitopia: how food shapes the city

Author: Ian Babelon (Northumbria University)On Wednesday 6 November 2019, I had the pleasure to attend Carolyn Steel's public lecture at Newcastle University wh...

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Is the Spectrum dead?

This post is republished from Changeology, a highly insightful blog by community engagement practitioner Les Robinson about how to engage communities effectivel...

  841 Hits

Sandra Annunziata, in memoriam

Guest authors: Marco Cremaschi (Sciences PO, Paris), Carlotta Fioretti (European Commission, Joint Research Centre), Clara Rivas (University of Leicester) On Fr...

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Conference locations and sustainability aspirations: towards an integrative framework?

Editor's note: The blog of the AESOP Young Academics network is a great place to share and showcase your research about a wide range of topics related to spatia...

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Upcoming international conferences

You probably know which conference you will be attending next (like the next AESOP Young Academics Conference "Planning Inclusive Spaces" or the AESOP Congress ...

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The present of Open Access: the list of OA journals, updated and extended

  Back in 2015, to celebrate that year’s the Open Access week, I decided to put together a list of the OA journals I knew in planning, urban studies and geograp...

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Participatory budgeting made in France

Participatory budgeting is increasingly popular among local councils, and is now also adopted by regional and even national governments across the globe. The in...

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There is no Alternative? A discussion of an alternative on Tarlabasi Renewal Project

This blog post is inspired by the fieldwork I conducted during my PhD research. The research focuses on renovation and regeneration projects, and also on the ge...

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Slow academia and the neoliberal university: call for blog posts

The blog of the AESOP Young Academics network is looking for contributions on all aspects of spatial planning (see for example a general call for blog posts, in...

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Looking for Aesop in AESOP: call for reflections

AESOP is broad and diverse community of scholars and practitioners at diverse stages in their career(s). The AESOP 2018 conference was a strong, engaged and eng...

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Public participation: databases and resources

Here is a list of resources, repositories and models that can help to design, conduct and evaluate effective public participation in spatial planning. The list ...

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Building Ourselves Fat

Guest author: Jo Ellis, Blue Kayak and Northumbria University.  We all know that it’s bad to be too fat, don’t we? Voices on every side tell us so, particularly...

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A motto to revisit and revise - EQUAL PAY. EQUITABLE PAY

Article originally published with Linkedin Publishing- in continuance to my previous post - Planning as a profession and course of study : A floundering Planner...

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Welcome to the cyborg: hybridity in place-making, Part 1

This is the first of two posts about cyborgs: what they are, and how they manifest as the hybrid objects and forms of knowledge that characterise much of place-...

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Planning as a profession and course of study : A floundering Planner’s Perspective

The planning as a profession in India is synonymous with either party/event planning or smart cities, nothing more, nothing less. Only a few know what planning ...

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