a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

The EC open consultation on Science 2.0

Science 2.0 is a suggested new approach to science that uses information-sharing and collaboration made possible by network technologies. The roadmap was create...

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Summer movies: Muito além do peso

Food, the way it's produced, the way it's consumed, the way it's advertised, the way it's commercialised, has been assuming a growing role in public debates all...

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Summer movies: Bye Bye Barcelona

Bye Bye Barcelona (here the website) is the second summer movie of the YAblog. It is a well-documented and powerful documentary about how tourism and gentrifica...

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Summer movies: Planning is...

It's August and it's getting time for summer break. The blog will slow down a bit, for a couple weeks.For those who are not going to turn off their PCs for some...

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More socialism for post-socialist urbanisations?

By Irina Paraschivoiu (LSE) & Fabian Wenner (LSE)After the demise of socialism in the 1990s, many Eastern European and Asian states saw a wave of privatisat...

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"Some we win, some we lose...". Farewell Prof. Peter Hall.

Simone Tulumello, our able moderator/coordinator at the AESOP YA Blog had asked me to relate my personal experiences on getting a job in academia. As some of yo...

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About Digital Scholarship (workshop)

On June 24, 2014, I had the pleasure to partake the Digital Scholarship workshop organised by Being Digital, a research project leaded by Chiara Carrozza at the...

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Planning and City-Region Governance: Challenges for Urban Development in Bucharest

By Irina Paraschivoiu (LSE) & Fabian Wenner (LSE)Despite sharing some of the common challenges faced by post-socialist cities, the experience of Bucharest o...

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City application and the future of cities

One of the major inventions that changed the life in cities was the railway. Another important revolution was the car. They changed the size of the cities, thei...

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Is a (federal) urban agenda politically possible?

Few would dispute that the United States is hard to characterize as an urban nation.  Yes, we'll always have New York City, but by world standards even the dens...

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Climate for Culture. Final arrival in Munich

It has been presented, in Munich, Germany, and with a public event lasted two days, the final stage of the European project “Climate for Culture," lasted five y...

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Jon Schwabish on polarisation and good graphs

A few days ago I have found, on the Metrotrends blog*, this article by Jon Schwabish, which I deemed interesting and worth sharing for two reasons. Firstly, it ...

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The New Technological Frontier: Equal Mobility for All

New computing technology and real time digital representations of our built environment allow us to redefine the automobile. Will this new technology lift the b...

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How to Prepare for the Viva, Tips to Do Before and After

Guest author: Basak TanulkuIn this piece, I want to provide tips about what to do before, during and after your viva. The viva examination can be regarded as th...

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The implementation gap- the case of accessibility instruments

Accessibility is an essential feature of a well-functioning city or urban region. In particular, the concept of accessibility provides a framework for understan...

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Is academe worth it?

A few weeks ago, during a meeting with my research group, we were screening the Horizon 2020 programme for interesting calls. Within them, a call is about: “Mak...

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Why Metrics Cannot Measure Research Quality: A Response to the HEFCE Consultation

Blog The Disorder of Things is sharing a response to the call of the UK Higher Education Funding Concil about the use of metrics in research assessment.Are metr...

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What it means to have renters in the suburbs

In the wake of the Great Recession and mortgage foreclosure crisis, the rate of home ownership has declined and renting is on the rise, particularly among those...

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Are anti-homeless behaviours policies?

I was sincerely shocked by this news. You may be thinking of me as a naive fellow, yet I was not ready at all. Well I did already know that this kind of “polici...

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Planka: is public transport welfare?

Do you know Planka?Planka is a Stockholm based organisation of public transport fare dodgers. If you happen to swipe your ticket and feel somebody sliding up be...

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