a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Green Infrastructure and Green City: The lenses to evaluate urban greening

Urban greening and green infrastructure are at the heart of contemporary urban sector discussion in the light of climate change debate. In fact, green infrastru...

  803 Hits

Highlights from 2016

2016 has been another rich year for the blog of the AESOP Young Academics, with more than 20 posts published on a wide variety of topics (more before). With mor...

  1666 Hits

The smart, resilient city: cliché or oxymoron?

The smart city concept builds on technological and governance innovations to better enable cities to face up to urbanisation challenges, including the ability t...

  861 Hits

Municipal bond: Water sector, capital and governance

Municipal bond is an innovative financing tool that uses private sector investment in infrastructure and improves the financial sustainability at the Urban Loca...

  623 Hits

Open Access week 2016 and the OA journals list

Happy Open Access Week 2016! For the occasion, I have updated the list of Open Access journals and moved here as page (rather than a post). It can be found here...

  596 Hits

Through the Looking Glass: why public engagement in cities should be about (more than) reflexion/reflection

Place-making affects all of us. Yet how many of us, apart from place-making professionals and decision-makers, can really shape the places we live in? This post...

  897 Hits

A reflection on smart city and urban future

Source: dailymail.ac.uk Since its inception, the smart city concept has gone through many criticism and transformation to be finally adopted in Indian context. ...

  1009 Hits

Open Access week, plaNext and a list of OA journals

The list of OA journals I compiled a year ago has been growing in the meanwhile. Feel free to suggest other journals (fully OA, no APC) in the comments section.

  546 Hits

Toward Inclusive Cities 3.0 – aligning public participation with people

Is participatory planning about engaging everyone and making cities inclusive? Or about satisfying those who speak the loudest? These difficult questions affect...

  846 Hits

Private sector water tanker, water vendor, and packaged water in Indian cities: Innovation in governance?

Figure 1. Transforming codes of understanding water supply from public sector water supply to water ATM 'Water' is understood both as natural resource and publi...

  1053 Hits

East Kolkata Wetland: Seeing through the lens of "Urban metabolism"

‘Urban metabolism’, ‘resiliency’ and ‘sustainability’ are competing concepts. ‘Sustainability’ is the oldest and more like an umbrella term for the rest. ‘Urban...

  959 Hits

Framing the right research questions in dealing with Urban Resilience: introducing Urban Resilience Research Network (URNet)

One of the main challenges in dealing with research is indeed framing the right questions. Einstein's quote “if I had one hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 ...

  817 Hits

Public participation in the 3rd Millenium: making cities more sustainable?

The UN Summit Habitat III is just months away. At a critical time for climate change and sustainable development, public participation has a vital role to play ...

  735 Hits

Water ATMs in India: innovation, smart technology, and new form of governance

Chandrima Mukhopadhyay, India Govt of India recognized the term 'start up' in April, 2015, which started as private sector initiated business models by small-sc...

  1429 Hits

Living and moving around in a post-earthquake city

Seven years ago, during the night of 6 April 2009 the city of L’Aquila suffered one of the most tragic events in the modern history of Italy. At 3:32 A.M. a sei...

  770 Hits

Magarpatta City: Outstanding as a private city?

Chandrima Mukhopadhyay and Lila Oriard, Faculty of Planning, CEPT University, India Figure: (Left) The shopping centre Destination in addition to the shopping m...

  1314 Hits

New São Paulo zoning: the future of a mega city at stake

Once in São Paulo, take as many photos as you want because the city you know is about to radically change in a few years. The bustling Latin America financial c...

  776 Hits

What to negotiate in Public Private Partnerships?

Post by Chandrima Mukhopadhyay (CEPT University Ahmedabad). Public Private Partnership is an inter-disciplinary subject in nature. However, it is considered as ...

  684 Hits

Highlights from 2015

2015 has been the second year of the blog of the YA, a year of consolidation and some changes in the team of regular contributors. We published 24 posts and had...

  2640 Hits

From Green-washing to Carbon-washing: True Smart and Green Cities?

I’d like to share here some thoughts among us, in the light of the recent agreement reached in Paris at the COP21, and respect to some emerging issues when fram...

  852 Hits