a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

The problems and the blindness of peer review

A few days ago, I had reblogged a post at the Society and Space website about “the problems of peer review”. It is a very interesting piece, whose importance is...

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The URBES project and Resilient Cities in Bonn

Is about to begin, during these days in Bonn, the annual Congress of ICLEI “Resilient Cities." Anticipating the congress, for two days there were some workshops...

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The problems of peer review

This piece on the Society and Space website about "the problems of peer review" deserves prompt reblog, as it engages with issues that we at the YA blog are ext...

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EP2014: what comes next for European politics?

Today, one should spend a few words about European elections, for the composition of European Parliament – and the presidency of the Commission as well, think o...

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Some resources on mapping and visualisation

Today I'd like to share a bunch of resources which have in common some thoughts about, and efforts for, the visualisation and mapping of different geographic la...

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Cities, Policies, Technology and the Mayors Challenge

"The strong mayor form … is in some ways a miniature presidency", Clarence N. StoneSome recent articles in the press made me think of the need to more “healthy”...

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Can local policies handle the problem of gentrification?

While local policies to mitigate the displacement caused by gentrification are critical-- perhaps now more than at any time in the last half century--local gove...

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Writing, impacting, timing in academe

This post is a meta-post, delivering a few (more) considerations about the practice of writing in, and for, academe.Brian Tomasik has a good essay that, althoug...

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Cities in Conflict, 14 months

Tom Cowan, editor of Cities in Conflict, has recently published an editor's pick timeline of the first 14 months of the project. Cities in Conflict, hosted by o...

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Can planners make London smile?

Inner London has been contradicting the successful economic trajectory of the global capital for more than thirty years. Planners have been part of the struggle...

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AirBnb, Vice: and gentrification in the US

I've been literally astonished by the recent shift in the quality of Vice News. Yes, news.Vice.com and the national editions I read in Italy and Portugal. Go di...

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Cultural Heritage versus Ecology in the Ohrid World Heritage Management Plan.

It was concluded in Ljubljana, the European project Sustcult " Achieving sustainability through an integrated approach to the management of cultural heritage ",...

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Impact Factor (mania?)

Today, I would like to share some resources in order to bring to debate one of the mantra of contemporary academe, the Impact Factor (IF).The IF of a journal is...

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Revealing a new era of planning, the Lisbon case

The municipality of Lisbon through a public participation procedure for cycling investments, shows the need for a more economic and human-centric city. In recen...

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Political Participation and Planners

When the public disengages from local politics, what does it mean for planners and other professionals in city government?  In the story of Detroit, one of the ...

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Savage Minds, the blog

Savage Minds is a “group blog devoted to ‘doing anthropology in public’ — providing well-written relevant discussion of sociocultural anthropology that everyone...

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Against doorknobs (and beyond)

The website Changing London has an article by Will Horwitz that makes me think about how small things may be changing our cities. The city of Vancouver has rece...

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Kyle Grayson on the journal research article

What's your experience with peer-review journal articles? You know, writing a paper, sending it, waiting for (long) months, and then receiving an email. As a re...

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Some books on Lefebvre, for planners and geographers

There's a bunch of books which recently came out, useful to grasp Henri Lefebvre's legacy in urban studies and theory. Well, in recent times, planning and criti...

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The Environmental Justice atlas

I've recently found (thanks to the Italian, brand new, excellent web-newspaper Pagina99) the Environmental Justice atlas by the Environmental Justice Organisati...

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