a collaboration between young academics

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The Journal of Universal Rejection exists!

Disclaimer: this is not the most serious post ever published in this blog. Not at all. This is something I did not know about. And when I got to know, I thought it was a nice gift, for the beginning of this new year.
The Journal of Universal Rejection exists.
No joke. You submit whatever you want. You get rejected.
It may take a few hours or months (some papers have been lying years on the desk, on the fashion of most reputable journals), but you will get a rejection letter. And it may be a cool  one. It may be rejected by the editors or after peer-review by someone who simply does not care what you are writing about.
However, as they put it, there are good reasons for submitting to JoUR:
  • You can send your manuscript here without suffering waves of anxiety regarding the eventual fate of your submission. You know with 100% certainty that it will not be accepted for publication.
  • There are no page-fees.
  • You may claim to have submitted to the most prestigious journal (judged by acceptance rate).
  • The JofUR is one-of-a-kind. Merely submitting work to it may be considered a badge of honor.
  • You retain complete rights to your work, and are free to resubmit to other journals even before our review process is complete.
  • Decisions are often (though not always) rendered within hours of submission.
These are reasons to take in consideration next time you decide to submit something for rejection!
At the end of the day, it may well be one of the most serious post ever published in this blog, just take a look back at your previous experiences with reputable journals!
(Simone Tulumello).
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Guest - The YA blog in 2020 | AESOP Young Academics (website) on Thursday, 07 January 2021 14:55

[…] The Journal of Universal Rejection exists! by Simone Tulumello (460 views) – published in 2015 […]

[…] The Journal of Universal Rejection exists! by Simone Tulumello (460 views) – published in 2015 […]
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