a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Through the Looking Glass: why public engagement in cities should be about (more than) reflexion/reflection

Place-making affects all of us. Yet how many of us, apart from place-making professionals and decision-makers, can really shape the places we live in? This post...

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  906 Hits

Public participation in the 3rd Millenium: making cities more sustainable?

The UN Summit Habitat III is just months away. At a critical time for climate change and sustainable development, public participation has a vital role to play ...

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  745 Hits

Highlights from 2015

2015 has been the second year of the blog of the YA, a year of consolidation and some changes in the team of regular contributors. We published 24 posts and had...

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  2658 Hits

Critical thinking on smartness, service providing and technology: YA sessions at UTC Palermo

Guest author: Dezsö Vajtho, Utrecht University, MSc Sustainable Development (LinkedIN). This post is a report from the two sessions organized by the AESOP Young...

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  870 Hits

Two PTP editorials for a warm August

Lazy August, you may have noticed that the blog slowed down in the last couple of weeks. Well, after a productive and rich year, warm summer - in Southern Europ...

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  629 Hits

Housing shortage in Europe – a problem of the past?

If we asked people in Europe what was the issue they considered to be particularly problematic in their everyday life, in most cases the availability of housing...

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  649 Hits

The geography of housing affordability

One of the important problems that we are facing these days is the high and rising cost of living. In particular, many households need to spend a substantial sh...

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  951 Hits

The new face of Metropolitan Governance in Mumbai

Guest author: Pooja Shetty With cities growing in terms of their population size and jurisdiction, metropolitan governance is taking new forms which are shaped ...

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  1668 Hits

Harvard Urban Theory Lab

The exploration of the “frontiers” of the planning discipline is one of the main concerns of the blog of the Young Academics of AESOP – and is a theme we'd like...

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  770 Hits

The blog of the YA, online

It was July, 2013, at the AESOP congress in Dublin when, during the Young Academics General Assembly, the idea of creating a collaborative blog was expressed, a...

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  777 Hits

2021 YA Elections Results!

1 min read.  We would like to inform you of the results of our YA Elections 2021 and we are very pleased to congratulate the newly elected members of the Young ...

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  842 Hits

Civil society initiative for user-generated urban development processes: equal partners in post-industrial cities?

Introduction  Cities in diverse contexts experience increasing civil society engagement through neighbourhood-scale, informal and citizen-based interventions. Local expertise provides civil society initiatives with a notable advantage over professional planners and offers the possibility to become place-makers – and ultimately urban planners –...

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  3397 Hits

Some resources on mapping and visualisation

Today I'd like to share a bunch of resources which have in common some thoughts about, and efforts for, the visualisation and mapping of different geographic la...

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  962 Hits

Highlights from 2017

2017 was a year of continued growth for the blog, buildingimages/easyblog_images on 2016. It saw 8,400 views and 5,700 visitors, for 19 published posts. The map...

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  1847 Hits

YA blog outlook: 2014-2020 & beyond

Read time: 5 minutes This post gives an overview of the growinimages/easyblog_imagesg activity on the blog since its launch in 2014. Based on the results of a s...

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  1483 Hits

Social disruption and complexity: Transformative power of crises

Reading time: 10 minutes Guest authors: Pinar Dörder (chair of the YA Coordination Team; Darmstadt University of Technology) and Flavia Giallorenzo (University ...

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  3 Hits

Read time: 4-5 minutes2018 was the year which generated the most traffic on the blog: 13,000 views and 9,300 visitors for 29 published posts. The posts covered ...

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  1971 Hits

Sitopia: how food shapes the city

Author: Ian Babelon (Northumbria University)On Wednesday 6 November 2019, I had the pleasure to attend Carolyn Steel's public lecture at Newcastle University wh...

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  9567 Hits

Land Value Taxation: A tool for planners against urban sprawl?

Most countries use a real estate tax dependent on the value or size of buildings. These property taxes can be contrasted to a Land Value Tax (‘LVT’) system, in ...

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  1336 Hits

The roof over our policies. Why housing finance mechanisms are not enough

Slightly more than a month ago, on 15 September 2014, over 100 people were evacuated from 50 Vulturilor Street, not too far away from central Bucharest. Taken o...

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  709 Hits