a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

Building Ourselves Fat

Guest author: Jo Ellis, Blue Kayak and Northumbria University.  We all know that it’s bad to be too fat, don’t we? Voices on every side tell us so, particularly...

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  674 Hits

Looking for Aesop in AESOP: call for reflections

AESOP is broad and diverse community of scholars and practitioners at diverse stages in their career(s). The AESOP 2018 conference was a strong, engaged and eng...

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  838 Hits

Participatory budgeting made in France

Participatory budgeting is increasingly popular among local councils, and is now also adopted by regional and even national governments across the globe. The in...

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  918 Hits

A motto to revisit and revise - EQUAL PAY. EQUITABLE PAY

Article originally published with Linkedin Publishing- in continuance to my previous post - Planning as a profession and course of study : A floundering Planner...

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  863 Hits

Open Defecation: A Coda of Geospatial differentiation by British India?

Swacch Bharat? A pan India mission launched with political support at the centre is a novel effort. But to eradicate open defecation from a society whose founda...

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  831 Hits

Development planning in post-independence India: Where did we go wrong? What can we do about it?

The term ‘Development‘ (physical development) may be defined as – carrying out engineering, building, mining, quarrying and other such works in/on/under land. T...

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  1664 Hits

Housing in India and government attitude towards it

Housing is an important aspect of city development. Population growth in a city is mainly attributed to two main reasons: migration from different areas in sear...

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  918 Hits

Social Enterprise, made in France – helping people and planet?

Spatial planning, at its best, can facilitate sustainable development. Planning policies, however, are no silver bullet for the implementation of sustainable de...

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  1252 Hits

YA conference summary & selective list of upcoming planning conferences

One of the last major spatial planning events was the 12th AESOP Young Academics conference, held at the University of Groningen 26-29 March 2018. Following las...

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  714 Hits

Welcome to the cyborg: hybridity in place-making, Part 1

This is the first of two posts about cyborgs: what they are, and how they manifest as the hybrid objects and forms of knowledge that characterise much of place-...

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  887 Hits

UX for the city

In this post I explore how the notion of User Experience (UX), a key dimension of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), can enhance urban planning. Applying user-ce...

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  1076 Hits


In this blog I explore the value of minimalism for many aspects of our urban lives. I draw parallels between such varied phenomena as urban acupuncture, resourc...

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  1105 Hits

#Spacematters - List of planning-related blogs v. 1.0

Picture credit: Shopping Trip, by carnagenyc on flickr, Non-Commercial CC Attribution 2.0. “It doesn’t matter what country or what political system you are from...

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  26897 Hits

Farewell, and welcome: a new editor-in-chief for the YA blog

In early 2013, a freshman post-doc fellow, I was struggling around the idea of creating a research blog. At that time, not many blogs in the field of planning a...

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  1692 Hits

The smart, resilient city: cliché or oxymoron?

The smart city concept builds on technological and governance innovations to better enable cities to face up to urbanisation challenges, including the ability t...

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  861 Hits

Highlights from 2016

2016 has been another rich year for the blog of the AESOP Young Academics, with more than 20 posts published on a wide variety of topics (more before). With mor...

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  1666 Hits

Smarter past, smarter future: lessons for smart cities

The smart city is much discussed as a sustainable urban development model. However, as discussed in former posts on the blog, “smartness” is in the eye of the b...

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  911 Hits

Private sector water tanker, water vendor, and packaged water in Indian cities: Innovation in governance?

Figure 1. Transforming codes of understanding water supply from public sector water supply to water ATM 'Water' is understood both as natural resource and publi...

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  1053 Hits

East Kolkata Wetland: Seeing through the lens of "Urban metabolism"

‘Urban metabolism’, ‘resiliency’ and ‘sustainability’ are competing concepts. ‘Sustainability’ is the oldest and more like an umbrella term for the rest. ‘Urban...

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  959 Hits

Toward Inclusive Cities 3.0 – aligning public participation with people

Is participatory planning about engaging everyone and making cities inclusive? Or about satisfying those who speak the loudest? These difficult questions affect...

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  846 Hits