a collaboration between young academics

Welcome to the blog of the Young Academics of the Association of the European Schools of Planning. It has a rich history. We welcome your contributions and you can find information on how to contribute and the guidelines here.

The city no longer exists... long live the city!

Dear urbanists, urban planners, traffic planners, architects and others,Our work is done.Recently Google Maps does not show the same things to everyone. The unc...

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  761 Hits

On participation and neighbourhood planning

I recently stumbled upon a talk given by Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena at TED Global 2014. Having to come up with solutions for building adequate homes fo...

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Big Data in Planning and Research

Big Data has had a fast career as new topic (and occasionally buzzword) in the social sciences during the last years. It describes new opportunities for researc...

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The promises of participatory budgeting

In a previous post, I was writing about participatory practices in urban development, particularly from the point of view of neighbourhood planning. A few days ...

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Highlights from the 2014

January has been a bit of a lazy month for the YA blog. After a great 2014, the team was in the need of some time before re-starting for an even better 2015. In...

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AirBnb, Vice: and gentrification in the US

I've been literally astonished by the recent shift in the quality of Vice News. Yes, news.Vice.com and the national editions I read in Italy and Portugal. Go di...

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Can planners make London smile?

Inner London has been contradicting the successful economic trajectory of the global capital for more than thirty years. Planners have been part of the struggle...

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Can local policies handle the problem of gentrification?

While local policies to mitigate the displacement caused by gentrification are critical-- perhaps now more than at any time in the last half century--local gove...

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Cities, Policies, Technology and the Mayors Challenge

"The strong mayor form … is in some ways a miniature presidency", Clarence N. StoneSome recent articles in the press made me think of the need to more “healthy”...

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Planka: is public transport welfare?

Do you know Planka?Planka is a Stockholm based organisation of public transport fare dodgers. If you happen to swipe your ticket and feel somebody sliding up be...

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Are anti-homeless behaviours policies?

I was sincerely shocked by this news. You may be thinking of me as a naive fellow, yet I was not ready at all. Well I did already know that this kind of “polici...

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What it means to have renters in the suburbs

In the wake of the Great Recession and mortgage foreclosure crisis, the rate of home ownership has declined and renting is on the rise, particularly among those...

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The implementation gap- the case of accessibility instruments

Accessibility is an essential feature of a well-functioning city or urban region. In particular, the concept of accessibility provides a framework for understan...

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  750 Hits

The New Technological Frontier: Equal Mobility for All

New computing technology and real time digital representations of our built environment allow us to redefine the automobile. Will this new technology lift the b...

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Is a (federal) urban agenda politically possible?

Few would dispute that the United States is hard to characterize as an urban nation.  Yes, we'll always have New York City, but by world standards even the dens...

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City application and the future of cities

One of the major inventions that changed the life in cities was the railway. Another important revolution was the car. They changed the size of the cities, thei...

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  575 Hits

Planning and City-Region Governance: Challenges for Urban Development in Bucharest

By Irina Paraschivoiu (LSE) & Fabian Wenner (LSE)Despite sharing some of the common challenges faced by post-socialist cities, the experience of Bucharest o...

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  989 Hits

More socialism for post-socialist urbanisations?

By Irina Paraschivoiu (LSE) & Fabian Wenner (LSE)After the demise of socialism in the 1990s, many Eastern European and Asian states saw a wave of privatisat...

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  705 Hits

Lessons learned from the World Urban Forum 7. Why the new Urban Agenda matters

By Irina Paraschivoiu (LSE)In June 2016, the United Nations will convene the Habitat III Conference which will set the agenda for international cooperation on u...

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  918 Hits

What resilience planning can tell us about decentralization and community engagement

By Irina Paraschivoiu“Resilience” has come to be used frequently in planning, and currently encompasses strategies dealing with economic downturns, climate chan...

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