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Call to participate in ZERO: The First Climate Radio Broadcast at Ain Shams University in Cairo - DEADLINE UPDATED-

a 24-hr translingual radio broadcast exploring climate mitigation and decarbonisation through the theme of numeracy

This year spatialradio.live, with the support of The British Council in Egypt, is partnering with Ain Shams University Cairo to develop a broadcast called 'Zero' with the subtitle Numeracy Narratives for Urban Resilience. This broadcast will take place November 10 and 11 and will overlap with COP27 taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Project Brief

Zero explores the role of storytelling about calculation and computation in climate resilience, mobilising student leadership in support of collaborative decarbonisation and urban resilience approaches by universities, communities, governments, and businesses.

Around this numeracy narrative, we have developed segment themes for the programming, including Earth Construction, Calculation Beyond Control, Negative Engineering, and Regenerative Economy. 

Project Team

Ain Shams University

Dr  Samah el khateeb (PI, Head of the Smart & Futures Cities Lab at Ain Shams University) Linkedin

Dr Mennatullah Hendawy (CO-PI, Founder of the Smart Sustainable Cities Initiative at Impact Circles e.V.) Linkedin

Dr Samy Afifi (Research collaborator, Urban Planning and Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University)

Eng. Mariam Youssry (Research Assistant at the Smart & Futures Cities Lab, Ain Shams University)


Dr Stephanie Sherman (PI) Linkedin

Diana Ibañez Lopez (co-research and summer school coordination)

Dr Catalina Mejia Moreno (Climate lead for Spatial Practices, running Climate Forum at CSM, which will correspond with Cop27 radio work)

Interested in participating?

We are seeking online and terrestrial radio stations, as well as media partners across the world, to join us in rebroadcasting and collaboration.

We are also opening the space for voices to participate in prerecorded or live interviews. The interview can be in any language and can be either:

  1. LIVE broadcast on 10/11 Nov in Ain Shams University or in London
  2. Zoom on 10 or 11 Nov or we can arrange another time
  3. PRE-RECORDED as an mp3 file

Some of the segment themes that are planned to be broadcasted

·Zero: A History of Maths

·Earth Construction

·Calculation Beyond Control


·Negative Engineering


·Carbon Count

·Urban Data

·Regenerative Economy


If Interested in participating, Share a pitch of 150 words by November 03, 2022 to Jessica Sammut This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Spatialradio.live Producer. Please cc. Agustina Woodgate This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Dr Samah Elkhateeb This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on all correspondence.

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