15th AESOP Young Academics Conference
29 March - 02 April 2021
POLIS University
Tirana, Albania


Authors are invited to submit an abstract of maximum 300 words. Abstracts can be submitted to [email protected]. Abstracts must be submitted by 15 November 2020 (NEW DEADLINE: 01 December 2020).

Authors are required to include in their abstracts submission: Authors full name(s), Affiliation(s), and the targeted track(s).

Authors will be notified about the abstract acceptance/rejection by 14 December 2020.

Please note:

  • Abstracts co-authored by a PhD student and his/her supervisor are not eligible.
  • The accepted authors are requested to confirm their participation within 10 days. After that date, their seat(s) will be offered to a person in the waiting list.



Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit a paper of maximum 6000 words (including references, tables and figures).

Papers should be submitted by 1st February 2021 to [email protected]. There is no specific template for submitting full papers, authors are free to choose their own formatting.



Projectors and computers will be provided in all presentation rooms. The computers will be able to display the common file formats (.pdf, .ppt/.pptx).

Each presentation should be about 12-15 minutes, with an additional 7-10 minutes of feedback and questions.



The conference is free of charge to participants who are Members of the AESOP YA Network (registration for the network is free on the website).

Before submitting your paper, please register as a Young Academics Member at http://www.aesop-youngacademics.net/auth/login (this can take a few days).

For attendees who are not presenting in the conference, the registration fee is 40 €. Registration form are to be published. Note that for papers with multiple authors, all authors participating in the conference need to submit a separate registration form.



As in the previous years, the track chairs and co-chairs will jointly decide to award a best paper prize among all entries to the conference that are marked by the authors to be considered.

The awarded paper, along with other runner-up papers, has the chance to be published in one of the prestigious journals in planning, European Planning Studies. Terms and criteria to apply for the Best Paper Prize are to be announced.

 The Best Paper Prize is mostly selected from the top 10 papers. These papers will be invited to be published in the open access journal of the AESOP YA PlaNext-Next Generation Planning. Besides these, for all conference participants, there will be a possibility to publish with Annual Review of Territorial Governance in the Western Balkans and with Forum A+P. All of the publishing includes a peer review process as per the criteria of the individual journals.



14th of September 2020: Launch of Call for Abstracts

15TH of November 2020: Abstract Submission; NEW DEADLINE: 01 December 2020!

15th of December 2020: Abstract Acceptance/ Rejection notification

1st of February 2021: Full paper submission

Below you may find some general rules regarding the articles:

  1. Articles should have a maximal length of 6500 words (including abstract)
  2. We advise articles to use the following structure: Introduction, Theoretical Framework, Methodology, Analysis, Discussion, Conclusions (and Recommendations if suitable). In case authors should opt for a slightly different article structure, it is highly important to state the methodological framework for the preparation of the article.
  3. All articles should use the Harvard Referencing System
  4. Articles can include a maximum of 5 images. Authors should make sure that they use images of high quality, and in case of selection for further publications, authors are responsible for gaining all permissions for the use of images by the copyright owners. Additionally, in case of selection for publication, authors should be ready to submit the images within the set deadline.
  5. Caption of images should be placed above the image, while below the image they should state the reference (if necessary).
  6. Authors are advised to use Times New Roman, Size 11, Line spacing 1.5.
  7. Please do not forget to include Article Title, Authors and author(s) affiliation and address in the first page of the article