‘Conversations in Planning Theory and Practice’ is a collaborative e-publication project between the Young Academic network and AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning).
The booklet project aims to document conversations between two generations of scholars about theories, ideas, concepts and practises that matter in planning, in an inviting and explanatory way that allows the readers to easily engage with the discussion. The booklets are carefully put together interactively by the YA Author/s and the Senior Scholar, and they host comments by people indicated by the Senior Scholar that highlights parts of his/her work, in a manner that helps to elaborate on the essence of the conversation in knowledge creation.
Booklets have a dissemination purpose, so they should be clear and readable. This was the first product to appear on AESOP’s digital platform for publication, which facilitated the dissemination of this library with everyone and at a minimal cost (http://www.aesop-planning.eu/en_GB/booklet-series).
We are now establishing a blind peer review process to involve more Young Academics in all phases of the academic writing of the booklets. As senior scholars and commenters interviewed by the authors are called to guarantee the scientific level of the publication, the involved Young Academics are called to critically review its level of clarity, explanation and dissemination. The suitable candidates/reviewers should be interested in reading and commenting critically on the booklets. They should examine the booklets under the given aspects and give constructive comments. The approximate word count for the booklet is 20,000 words. Every reviewer should read in particular a part of the booklet.
You can access our already published booklets at: https://aesop-planning.eu/resources/booklets
If you are interested in being part of our peer reviewers panel, we invite you to express your interest with a brief CV (maximum 1 page) and a Statement letter containing your research interests (maximum 500 words) to the Editorial Board of Conversations in Planning Theory and Practice:
The call is constantly open. A list of our reviewers will be published on the project webpage. Potential reviewers will be contacted to check their availability before involving them in the review process, based on their research interests.
List of in-progress booklets:
2022: Erik Swyngedouw
2022: Ali Madanipour
2022: John Forester