Conversation in Planning Booklet Project

The ‘Conversations in Planning Theory and Practice’ booklet team is actively looking for enthusiastic YA authors to develop a new issue with Prof. Juan Luis de las Rivas Sanz. This booklet project presents conversations with influential planners in theory to reflect on their career paths and discuss how they inspired and addressed the development of planning theory. It aims to provide an introduction to their theories and ideas: what and how they contributed to the field of planning; what and who influenced the development of these theories; and how this implicated/ reflected on planning debate in theory and/ or practice. Accordingly, it focuses on their contribution to academic literature. At the same time, it considers significant people and events that have influenced the evolution of the planner’s ideas and
Most of the booklets were co-authored by more than one YA authors - one being the lead author or coordinator. We welcome candidates interested in being lead authors and co-authors (please write us your preference). The timeline and deadlines are planned with the authors and Editorial Board. We want to start in April 2023. Prof. Juan Luis de las Rivas Sanz and the editorial board of Conversations in Planning YABooklet will select the candidate.If you are a Young Academic member and/or a PhD student and/or an early career researcher, and if you want to explore the role of planner in the threshold between Urban design, Urban & Regional Planning and Landscape fields, if your research focuses into the continuous re-definition of the meaning of the place and geographical context in the project, then you can send your brief CV and a ‘Statement of Purpose’ (maximum 500 words) outlining your specific interest in his biography and – if possible - your familiarity with his work by 15th of February 2023 via mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you interested this booklet project you can look into pdf file.