The international journal plaNext––Next Generation Planning invites full paper contributions from researchers and practitioners in planning and other related fields of research. Published contributions are expected to critically engage with the discourses, thoughts, approaches and debates that have dominated the (or have remained invisible to) practices, policies and thoughts of planning for so long. Scholars, practitioners and activists from inside and outside Europe are invited to go beyond the theory-practice (and –action) divides, the Western-centric and shy interdisciplinarity of much of mainstream planning research and practice. Authors can submit original work that includes: empirical research; theoretical discussions; innovative methodologies; case studies; and, book reviews on selected books, textbooks, or specific topics dealing within planning.

The fundamental approach taken by plaNext is to provide prospective authors with an opportunity to engage their ideas in international debates through a guided peer-review process that encourages a supportive environment to authors, ensuring constructive feedback for the improvement of papers. Furthermore, plaNext fully promotes open-access academia, which includes a fully open review system where reviewers receive full credit for the work that they do and are thus also fully accountable for all feedback provided to authors. All manuscripts are freely and permanently available to the general public for comments and discussions. There is no fee levied on authors to publish with plaNext. There are also no subscription fees, article pay-to-view fee or any other form of access fee and no publication embargo is applied.

Manuscripts can be submitted any time. Accepted manuscripts would be published as Online First before they become compiled in a volume. Manuscripts are to be submitted in English language and should not exceed 8.000 words, including references, footnotes and endnotes. Please download the full author guidelines from our website.

Once received, the plaNext editorial board would make an initial judgement before sharing the submitted manuscript with 2-3 independent referees for review. Authors should suggest 4-5 names for referees to review their manuscripts, as this can significantly speed up the review process. Please include the full names, affiliation, current position and contact details for the suggested referees in the cover letter. It is not appropriate to nominate individuals that have had any input into your submitted manuscript or any recent collaboration with the primary author(s) of the manuscript.