Read a detailed report by the organiser Luisa Rossini.

From 23 to 25 November 2022, the second edition of the Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies took place, titled ‘Social Mobilisations and Planning through Crises.’ Organised by the Urban Transitions Hub of the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa and supported by the Young Academics Network of AESOP, the event brought together nearly 20 early career scholars who are mostly operating at the interface of urban activism and research, trying to better the understanding of social movements in cities and the dynamics and impacts thereof.


Following two keynotes of Margit Mayer – Can urban mobilizations keep up with the neoliberal city’s crises management? – and Miguel A. Martínez – Housing movements contesting the politics of dispossession –, the participants had each a one-hour slot to present and discuss their research with peers and mentors. The topics ranged from analysing activist movements across urban contexts, to the (non-)provision, privatisation or outsourcing of basic urban services such as healthcare or education, or the growing impacts of philanthropic involvement in urban management and planning.


Complemented by a walking tour through some of the recently transformed inner neighbourhoods of Lisbon and a visit at the association ‘Sirigaita’, the workshop ended on Friday with presentations of the Urban Transitions Hub, the Young Academics Network, and a discussion around academic publishing and writing. For the latter, some of the questions revolved around how (and when) to become a reviewer, how to have and quantify what types of impact through research, how to avoid self-plagiarism, or deal with the increasing expectation of international mobility as a researcher. We are glad to have been able to support the workshop and participate in the discussions and are looking forward to next year’s edition! If you are interested to find out more or organise a similar event, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.