All positions for co-tracks have now been filled. Thank you to everyone for your interest.
We are still looking for suitable young academics co-chairs for the track 2, 6, and 13 (names are below). If these are interesting for you, please fill the form as soon as possible.
TRACK 2: CULTURE: Reinterpreting the spatial value of culture, heritage and tourism
TRACK 6: METHODS: Digital innovations of inclusive planning
TRACK 13: POLITICS: Opportunities for transformative and creative action
(more detailed track descriptions are available here: https://aesop2022.publicon.ee/en/tracks/)
The next AESOP Annual Congress will be held in Tartu, Estonia from 25-29 July 2022, with an overarching theme of ‘Space for Species: Redefining Spatial Justice’. We are happy to announce that this year again an early career scholar will be appointed as a Co-Chair for each of the 15 tracks.
We invite you to express you interest by uploading a short statement of motivation (max. 1500 characters) that includes an overview of your primary research interests, a recent, short CV, and your one (or several) preferred tracks here: https://forms.gle/9snGTz8BnNWG4SNc7
The deadline for applications is Friday, 22 October 2021, 8 PM CEST. The Congress website with more information and the track descriptions can be found here: https://aesop2022.publicon.ee/en/tracks/
Call for Co-Chairs for AESOP Conference 2022
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- Parent Category: All News Items
- Category: Events & calls