Call for Papers, Dimensions 09 - Changing Spatial Practices: Alliances, Activism and Networks

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In times of multiple crises – characterized by inequality, exploitation, conflicts and violent forms of extraction – multidimensional and diverse forms of thinking, designing and building, disrupt and challenge existing paradigms in the field of architecture.

What do these crises do to architecture as profession, practice and discipline? How do architects and other spatial practitioners contribute to other imaginaries? Referring to Audre Lorde (1983/2007: 30) we ask: "Are we doing the work?"

Changing Spatial Practices is looking for all forms of contributions reflecting on practice- and activism-related research and the superordinate constitution of knowledge. We are especially interested in reflections that address collective intersectional engagements for more multifaceted, spatial practices.

The call invites spatial practices which take perspectives of resistance, joy, hope and forms of unlearning, that are imagined for a fairer, more inclusive, diverse, feminist and truly sustainable world. Contributions may address – through texts, and visual formats as reports from the field including co-writing, interviews and essays and other short pieces not exclusive of any media – how new territories or novel reformulations of what is already here have come about and continue to emerge.

You can find more information on the call and submit your work here.