Call for Abstracts for Special Session "Doing Justice to Time-Sensitive Urbanisms" at the 2024 AESOP Congress

Special Session “Doing Justice to Time-Sensitive Urbanisms”

This session is a part of the 2024 AESOP Congress in Paris, which will occur from 8th to 12th July 2024. This session aims to scrutinize the evolutions (because these occur in many ways!) of how we respond to or make sense of agile futures. We encourage abstract submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Semiotics of Urban Change: How does the language we use to describe agile forms of urbanism affect perception, policies, and decision-making processes?
  • Temporal Considerations in Urban Processes: To which horizons do we bind ourselves, our decisions, and our actions? How do these align with the infrastructural, regulatory, and processual work that planners do?
  • Political and Discursive Forces: How do political agendas, ideologies, and power dynamics shape or make sense of agile futures?
  • Responsive Interventions: What best practices and novel methods(ologies) can be employed to create agile and appropriate solutions for current challenges and uncertainties? How does this translate to research in comparison to scholarship?

The deadline for abstracts is 15th January 2024. Abstracts may be submitted via the AESOP Congress website ( Please note that we are in the process of looking into hosting hybrid presentations, too.

Any questions may be sent to Robin A. Chang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Sara Caramaschi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).