| Name | School / Faculty | City | Country | Short Biography | |
| Privitera, Elisa | University of Catania | Catania | Italy | | ViewMap |
| Chettiparamb, Angelique | School of Real Estate & Planning | Reading | United Kingdom | Angelique is interested in planning theory, especially in Complexity theory. She has worked with ‘fractals’ to explain planning outcomes linking it to governance arrangements across scales. She has also engaged with the theory of ‘autopoiesis’ to understand how planning practices and outcomes might be explained through the idea of social systems. | ViewMap |
| Tregidgo, Rachel | School of Real Estate & Planning | Reading | United Kingdom | | ViewMap |
| Du, Dexter | School of Real Estate & Planning | Reading, England | United Kingdom | | ViewMap |
| Gall, Tjark | IRT SystemX / University Paris Saclay / CentraleSupélec | Paris | France | Tjark Gall is an urbanist who worked in Germany, China, Malawi, Uganda, the Netherlands, France, and Egypt. His objective is to understand how urban areas function and what has the highest impact on rendering them more sustainable and people-centred. He is currently working on his PhD to improve the design processes of complex urban systems in conditions of uncertainty. | ViewWebsite ProfileMap |
| Caruso, Nadia | Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) | Torino | Italy | | ViewMap |
| Hammami, Feras | Institutionen för Kulturvård | Göteborg | Sweden | | ViewMap |
| Allkja, Ledio | Faculty of Planning and Environment | Tirana | Albania | Ledio Allkja works as a lecturer at POLIS University in Tirana, Albania. | ViewMap |
| Madureira, Mafalda | Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) | Enschede | Netherlands | | ViewMap |
| Ibrahim, Batoul | Faculty of Environmental Sciences | Praha 6 | Czech Republic | | ViewMap |
| van der Hoeven, Frank | Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Rotterdam | Netherlands | Dr.ir. Frank van der Hoeven is Director of Research of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and programme manager Open Science at TU Delft. He is responsible for the development of the research portfolio of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, the policy on open access publishing, and for the position of built environment in the Dutch creative industry. | ViewWebsite ProfileMap |
| Van Den Berghe, Karel | Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment | Delft | Netherlands | | ViewMap |
| Dörder, Pinar | Faculty of Architecture | Darmstadt | Germany | | ViewWebsite ProfileMap |
| Ceren Varis, Sila | Dumlupinar Üniversitesi | Merkez/Kütahya | Turkey | | ViewMap |
| Hendawy, Mennatullah | Department of Urban and Regional Planning (ISR), School of Planning Building Environment | | | | ViewMap |
| Husar, Milan | Department of Spatial Planning, Institute of Management of STU | Bratislava | Slovakia | | ViewWebsite ProfileMap |
| Young Academics AESOP | | Reading | United Kingdom | | ViewMap |
| Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering | | Patras Dytiki Ellada | Greece | | ViewMap |
| School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning | | Athens | Greece | | ViewMap |
| Urban Management and Design Systems, Architecture, Building & Planning | | Eindhoven | Netherlands | | ViewMap |
| Department of Environmental Studies | | Utrecht | Netherlands | | ViewMap |
| University of applied scences Rotterdam | | Rotterdam | Netherlands | | ViewMap |
| Public and Private Policy Department | | Cergy-Pontoise cedex | France | | ViewMap |
| Department of Architecture and Building. Polytechnic School | | Boadilla del Monte, Madrid | Spain | | ViewMap |
| Institute of Geography, Geoeconomics and Sustainable Development | | Budapest | Hungary | | ViewMap |
| Faculty of Environmental Sciences | | Praha 6 | Czech Republic | | ViewMap |
| Department of Spatial, Landscape and Infrastructure Science | | Wien | Austria | | ViewMap |
| Department of Land Economy - University of Cambridge | | Cambridge East Anglia | United Kingdom | | ViewMap |
| Centre for Urban and Regional Studies | | Birmingham, West Midlands | United Kingdom | | ViewMap |
| School of Life and Medical Sciences | | Hatfield | United Kingdom | | ViewMap |
| Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management | | Copenhagen | Denmark | | ViewMap |
| Institutionen för Kulturvård | | Gothenburg | Sweden | | ViewMap |
| Institute of Urbanism and Landscape | | Oslo 1 | Norway | | ViewMap |
| Department of Spatial Development and Planning | | Dresden | Germany | | ViewMap |
| Faculty of Architecture | | Darmstadt | Germany | | ViewMap |
| TUM Department of Architecture | | Munich | Germany | | ViewMap |
| Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering | | Caparica | Portugal | | ViewMap |
| Institute of Social Sciences | | Lisbon | Portugal | | ViewMap |
| Department of Architecture | | Coimbra | Portugal | | ViewMap |
| Faculty for the Built Envionment | | Msida | Malta | | ViewMap |
| Department of Architecture | | Nicosia | Cyprus | | ViewMap |
| School of Architecture | | Tampere | Finland | | ViewMap |
| Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning | | Riga | Latvia | | ViewMap |
| Department of Geomatics (Geomaatika osakond) | | Tartu | Estonia | | ViewMap |
| Department of Geography | | Tartu | Estonia | | ViewMap |
| IAUS - Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia | | Belgrade | Serbia | | ViewMap |
| Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architekture | | Nis | Serbia | | ViewMap |
| Faculty of Architecture - Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture | | Zagreb | Croatia | | ViewMap |
| Department of spatial planing | | Banja Luka | Bosnia and Herzegovina | | ViewMap |
| Institute of Architecture and Planning | | Vaduz | Liechtenstein | | ViewMap |