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Open Call for Papers | plaNext–Next Generation Planning Journal

The international journal plaNext––Next Generation Planning invites full paper contributions from researchers and practitioners in planning and other related fields of research. Published contributions are expected to critically engage with the discourses, thoughts, approaches and debates that have dominated the (or have remained invisible to) practices, policies and thoughts of planning for so long. Scholars, practitioners and activists from inside and outside Europe are invited to go beyond the theory-practice (and –action) divides, the Western-centric and shy interdisciplinarity of much of mainstream planning research and practice. Authors can submit original work that includes: empirical research; theoretical discussions; innovative methodologies; case studies; and, book reviews on selected books, textbooks, or specific topics dealing within planning.


plaNext-Next Generation Planning is an international peer-reviewed open access e-journal, indexed in Google Scholar and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The young academics network of AESOP founded plaNext to provide prospective authors with an opportunity to engage their ideas in international planning debates as well as to make their research available to the wider planning audience. plaNext invites authors to submit original work that includes: empirical research; theoretical discussions; innovative methodologies; case studies; and book reviews on selected books, textbooks, or specific topics dealing within planning.

Find more information on the plaNext website.