APRU - SCL x ICHSPD 2024: Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)

THEME: Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)
DATE: August 6 - 8, 2024 
VENUE: Manila, Philippines

The Department of Community and Environmental Resource Planning (DCERP) of the College of Human Ecology (CHE) in the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) will be hosting the 3rd International Conference on Human Settlements Planning and Development (ICHSPD) in partnership with the Asia Pacific Rim Universities – Sustainable Cities and Landscapes (APRU-SCL) on August 6-8, 2024. The 7th annual conference of APRU-SCL will be simultaneously held during the ICHSPD.

With the theme “Advancing Sustainable Cities and Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation,” the event aims to take a step forward in achieving the goal of Sustainable Cities and Communities or the 11th UN Sustainable Development Goal. 

The conference will tackle various global issues experienced by many communities and provide a platform for collaboration to address these problems.

This year’s ICHSPD will also highlight human settlements during the digital age and the creation of security amidst vulnerabilities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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