By YA Coordination Team on Friday, 04 April 2014
Category: Dissemination, outreach, communication

Kyle Grayson on the journal research article

What's your experience with peer-review journal articles? You know, writing a paper, sending it, waiting for (long) months, and then receiving an email. As a researcher starting up his career (although somebody says it's not going to change with the experience) I've been experiencing a good bunch of rejection letters, plus some “accepted with major changes” (say, “we'd love to publish a different paper of you, which talks more or less about these theme”) and sporadic “accepted with minor revisions” (oh, yeah!).

What I've been learning through these experiences is that the (international, good quality) journal reviewers expect not only that you have some good research, but that you communicate it in a very specific way: which is why Kyle Grayson talks about the journal research article as a “genre”.

Like in all literary genres, content is not everything, and style and structure matter (critics may suggest the latter matter more than the former, sometimes...).

Kyle Grayson has some advices and a brief definition of the core elements of the journal article genre:

Let us know if this helps, let us know about the rejection/acceptance letters you'll receive!

(Simone Tulumello)

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